Text, Images, Files: Text editing

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Before your start: Text basics

Text editing options

  1. Drag handle
    Use this to drag a text block a different row
  2. Settings button
    Click to open the text block for editing
  3. Delete button
    Remove text block from page
  4. Help button
  5. Click and drag
    Click and drag within the content to position the text block within the row. You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard to nudge the position.

Text Formatting


Select all or some of the text in the text block and click any of the formatting controls (1) to format the selected text.


Click the styles menu (1) and click on style name (2) to apply a style. You can also add a new type style (3)

Adding Links

Select some text and click the link button

To link to a page on your site use the Internal link menu (1). To link to an external page, paste the URL in to the External link field (2). To make the link open in a new window use the Link Target menu (3).

Adding Mailto/Email Links

The link editor can also be used add 'mailto' links (1). With a mailto link, clicking on the link will open the user's email application and create an email to the address in the link.

The syntax is mailto:someone@somewhere.com

Learn more about the mailto link here: http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_mailto